Executive Search in Finance and Real Estate

The recruitment of executives in construction, the specialty of the firm Vauban Executive Search

Recruiting a manager or senior executive is a delicate exercise in the dynamic and competitive real estate and construction sector. The Executive search Vauban Executive Search has made this activity its favorite field.

Construction, an economic sector in search of high-level profiles

Very dynamic, the real estate and construction sector is one of those who recruit the most. The need for human resources is very varied, both in terms of technical orientation and skills and responsibilities. Indeed, managers and executives are key elements for a company to implement a successful strategy in a highly competitive environment. For the construction sector in particular, the recruitment of a real expert to a given position can make all the difference when it comes to negotiating large contracts or simply to lead an important project.

Beyond technical qualifications, professional experience is especially difficult to find and attract for companies. The recruitment process therefore requires the mobilization of significant resources as well as time to find the ideal candidate, which can be an additional problem in the case where it is urgent to replace a departure. These reasons justify the use of a specialized firm .

A Executive search to accelerate and facilitate the process

An expert executive is not recruited like any other employee. It is most often a particular profile able to fulfill a specific function in a specific environment. The recruitment process will therefore take much more time than for a regular job. It is on this point that the action of a specialized firm brings a real value by helping the company to find the right person as soon as possible.

These professionals have access to more databases than those provided by internal services. They also have real networks and fishponds for the sector in question. Most of the time, potential candidates are on the job and it will be necessary to manage their departure well to facilitate their integration. In addition to the usual conditions (including wages and benefits), the hiring negotiations will also cover the assumption of any formalities (notice, non-competition clauses, etc.) to which the future employee must comply to leave. his current position.

Recruitment in construction with Vauban

As a reference firm for recruitment in the construction sector , Vauban Executive Search puts its expertise at the disposal of companies to “recruit great men”. We take care of the entire procedure; from the determination of the profile to be sought at the beginning of the function through the selections and various negotiations. Specialized in the market of senior executives and experts, we attach great importance to deep understanding of your internal environment, your history and your culture to better understand your needs.

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